
6.7 Cummins ByPass Oil Filter Photos

2008 - RAM 2500 with 6.7 Cummins

Customer submitted photos courtesy of Andrew S.

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AMSOIL INC has released the BMK34 bypass oil filter kit for the 5.9 and 6.7 Cummins that contains the components for a typical Dodge / RAM diesel bypass filter installation. Customers do not need to piece together the parts as they are shown on this page with the BMK21. Go to the BMK34

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6.7 Cummins ByPass Oil Filter Installation

dodge cummins bypass oil filter photos

    In-process photos and step-by-step installation procedures (customer submitted) of an AMSOIL BMK21 bypass oil filter system installed on a 2008 RAM with a 6.7 Cummins.

6.7 Cummins ByPass Kit Installation Complete

dodge cummins bypass oil filter installation photo"You could easily place it by the CP3 pump, but I will be adding a belt driven compressor at that location so I had to figure out another place. I saw this install on one of the Cummins forums and found it would be a perfect location". [Andrew S.]

See 2016 RAM photos with an alternate mounting option

AMSOIL BMK21 ByPass Oil Filter Kit

dodge cummins bypass oil filter kit photo

The BMK21 By-Pass Oil Filter Kit includes the manifold, 12-feet of high pressure hose, hose end-fittings, four street-elbows that the hoses connect to, and the BMK21 installation instructions.

View Instructions

NOTE: The installation instructions show three optional procedures (oil pan tap, BP89 oil return, and sending unit tee) that are not used in this installation.

AMSOIL ByPass Oil Filter Selection

dodge cummins bypass oil filter amsoilAMSOIL EaBP By-Pass Oil Filter (1 needed - not included in the kit). The bypass oil filters for a 12-quart system (Cummins) come in three lengths / heights: EaBP90 (5.78" tall) EaBP100 (7.25" tall) and EaBP110 (10.44" tall). Filter selection depends on how much room you have.

For his 2008 Dodge Andrew selected his mounting area and picked the EaBP100 oil filter. After his installation was complete Andrew recommended passing along to everyone that:

The EaBP110 is too tall to fit in the area that he mounted his system. The EaBP100 that he selected fits okay but it is snug. His opinion is that the EaBP90 would be the perfect candidate for mounting the BMK21 in the postion that he selected.

Pressure Line From OEM Filter Manifold

dodge cummins bypass oil filter line from filterOnce I was at this point I had to remove the air filter box to get easier access to the top of the stock filter housing.

I removed the plug from the top of the OEM filter head and kept in a safe location just in case I ever needed it again. In my case there was a compression hose clamp in the way so I had to shift the clip slightly to make room for the new fitting. I then installed the straight JIC fitting (BP241). I always use thread locker on the noncompression side to make sure there won’t be any leaks.
At this stage I attached the hose and ran it various ways to figure out what would be the best path for the hose. Once I figured that out I cut the hose and made up both ends. The rest of the hose I put aside for the next step (return line).

BP241 Straight JIC Fitting

dodge cummins bypass oil filter fitting straightBP241 Fitting (not included in the kit). The fitting screws into the OEM oil filter head "if you need the pressure line to come straight up". The oil pressure line, to the BMK21, connects to the fitting. The BP241 is shown on the "OEM Filter Manifold" in the previous photo,.



BK1303 Billet Oil-Fill Cap (Return oil)

dodge cummins bypass oil filter return billet capNext I went to work on the return line which goes into the billet oil fill cap. You need to attach the 90-degree JIC Elbow (BP242) with thread locker to the Amsoil Return Cap (BK1303).

I took the remaining hose and measured and cut it to length and installed the end. Once that is in place all you need to do is tighten all the connections down. In the end I had about a one foot piece of hose left.

BP242 90-Degree Fitting

dodge cummins bypass oil filter 90 fittingBP242 90-degree JIC elbow (1 each - not included in the kit). This is the final item that you need to order separately when you purchase your kit. The elbow screws into the BK1303 aluminum billet oil filler cap. The oil return line, from the BMK21, connects to the elbow. The next photo shows the return line assembled and installed.

Return Line Attached to the Elbow & Billet Cap,

dodge cummins bypass oil filter return line detailsHere is a shot of the BK1303 billet cap (blue) with the BP242 90-degree fitting and return line installed.

Next I went to work on the return line which goes into the billet oil fill cap. You need to attach the 90-degree JIC Elbow (BP242) with thread locker to the Amsoil Return Cap (BK1303).

I took the remaining hose and measured and cut it to length and installed the end. Once that is in place all you need to do is tighten all the connections down. In the end I had about a one foot piece of hose left.

BMK21 ByPass Manifold Mounted

dodge cummins 6.7 bypass oil filter kit installedThis photo is of the AMSOIL BMK21 ByPass Oil Filter manifold mounted with the lines connected to two brass street elbows.

Continue reading to see how Andrew fabricated and attached the mounting hardware to his 2008 Dodge.

Body Mount Area Before Mod (battery removed)

dodge cummins bypass oil filter mount locationI decided to mount the bypass kit on the rear passenger side of the engine bay. I saw this install on one of the Cummins forums and found it would be a perfect location (since I am going to mount a belt driven compressor in the CP3 area).

Where I needed to place it there was a ground cable coming from the battery and a plastic clip.

Body Mount Area Modified with Nutsert

dodge cummins bypass oil filter mount nutsertAfter After removing the ground cable and the plastic clip adjacent to it, I opened up (drilled) the hole where the plastic clip was and installed a 1/4 x 20 nutsert. The nutserts are very handy and make installs like this much more convenient since you don’t have to worry about getting a nut on the bolt. See more info on the nutserts below.

Locally Fabricated 2"x2" Mount In-Place

dodge cummins by oil filter mount in placeAfter the bracket is in place and tight all you have to do is mount the filter housing to it. I used stainless bolts and washer for everything to help with rust.
Now you will need to install the two 90 degree brass fittings in the BMK21 filter head, install two straight JIC fittings, and connect the lines. Just make sure not to over tighten them.

Continue to read to see how Andrew fabricated the square- tube-mount

2"x2" Tube Mount with Nutserts Installed

dodge cummins bypass oil filter bracket external nutsertsI drilled the holes for the bypass kit on the square steel - painted the inside and outside of the square steel bracket - added the three 1/4x20 nutserts that the filter housing will mount to. Looking back I should have waited to paint it after I had drilled all 5 of the holes.

With that done I used a piece of paper and punched out the drill pattern from the truck body (simple-to-make template). This made it easier to figure out where exactly I needed to drill into the square tubing. I had to angle the steel tubing so that the large bypass filter would clear the battery box and the AC line that is below where the filter will be. Take your time on this step as you won’t have a second chance!!! Once the holes were drilled, I mounted the finished bracket to the truck body and reconnected the ground cable inside the steel bracket. This was a bit of a pain but it is doable. Another option would be to cut the top of the square tubing and make it into a C-channel. This would make the install go a lot easier.

2"x2" Tube Mount View Looking Inside

dodge cummins bypass oil filter mount internal view

AMSOIL BMK21 ByPass Oil Filter Kit Installed

dodge cummins bypass kit photos installed


Andrew, thank you for taking the time to capture some photos as you proceeded with your installation. Your .pdf booklet was a life saver in putting together this information for everyone to see. Nice job!

View the .pdf version that Andrew sent us.

If you have questions about what you saw on this page, or you are interested in purchasing a by-pass oil filter system for your vehicle or equipment, then please call us 1-888-428-3319.


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